Welcome to Minecraft Savant, your one stop shop for everything Minecraft related. We have a comprehensive listing of Minecraft crafting recipes including recipes for weapons, armor, tools, food, blocks as well as recipes for many, many more items! We have a short tutorial on how to setup your very own Minecraft server and also a list of some of our favorite publicly accessible servers. There is information on mods, skins and texture packs! Hopefully everything that you are looking for is here but in the slight chance that it is not then please do not hesitate to email us and we will add it to the site! Also feel free to email us your favorite screenshot and we might display it to our main page!
Minecraft Fan Screenshot!
Sent to us by: Mallocai
From: Somewhere in Flyover Country, USA
From: Somewhere in Flyover Country, USA
Feel free to contact us, if you see any incorrect information or have any suggestions for the site. And don't forget to send in your favorite screenshot and we may display it right here on our main page!
Contact us at: [email protected]